"Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words."St. Francis of Assisi
I wonder what the Church would look like if it practiced that quote. I wonder what my life would be like if I put this quote into action more often.
Growing up in the church I watched people preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use actions (and it was never necessary to use actions). I watched my family members condem someone because they didn't believe everything that the church I grew up in believed. Volunteering in the community was never talked about and it never happened. This summer I suggested that the church I grew up in start a food pantry. Before I could even explain my reasoning why everyone said no. No one even took the time to consider the idea. I was told that if I wanted to help the people in the surrounding community I should go door to door and tell them that if they didn't start going to the church I grew up in the would spend an eternity in Hell.
I would much rather pack bags of food for the needy then tell the needy that they are going to burn in Hell. Someone asked me once why I wanted to spend the rest of my life saving souls. I don't want to spend the rest of my life saving souls. I want to spend the rest of my life bringing Heaven to Hell and if that means starting a food pantry one day that serves a community if Hindus who don't believe in Jesus, I'm fine with that. In fact I would rather do that then spend the rest of my life telling people that there is no hope unless they do/believe this this this and this. The fact is I probably don't do/believe that that that and that.
And just maybe someone will see me reaching out to a group of people who I have nothing in common with and then when they ask I can tell them all about Jesus. Actions are much more effective than words.
Jesus walked around healing leapers and hanging out with people the Jewish community considered to be outcasts. He lead by example. When it was necessary he used words. It would have been easy for him to tell the Jews he preached to to eat dinner with the tax collectors, but instead he ate dinner with the tax collectors.
Jesus preached the gospel at all times and when it was necessary he used words.
go in PEACE. live PEACE. be PEACE.
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