Thursday, October 11, 2012

Out and About: Three Years Later

About three years ago I came out to my dad and step-mom. I have not been home since Thanksgiving of my freshmen year. That Thanksgiving they decided that I was no longer a part of our family. They decided that I could not tell my sisters because "they will not understand".
In the past three years I have changed my major three times, became a citizen of Allentown, joined the UCC, and have made some mistakes with my life. Coming out was not one of these mistakes. Burning chocolate chip cookies in the microwave was a mistake.
I was angry with my parents for a long time. I was even more angry with God. I was reminded by a UMC pastor that God loves me no matter what and that God will never abandon me.
If I have learned anything in these past three years it is that I need to be true to who God made me to be. I have learned that my sexuality is not a sin. The sin is not being the person who God created me to.
I have not talked to my parents since December 2009. If I could say anything to them it would be : "I love you and I forgive you. Please come to graduation on May 11th."
To anyone who is thinking about coming out I offer you these words :"Do it! It was liberating."
To parents: "All you child wants is to be loved. Just love them."

"And I have learned this: If God loves us, then God could never want the closet. If their exists a loving God, I know in my heart that this God could not wish for human beings to lie, to repress their emotional selves, and to distort that aspect of the soul which leads to the highest of human satisfactions into a dark force of evil and objectification. It is inconceivable to me; the contradiction is too great. There is reconciling a loving God and the tyranny of the closet. Whatever seven verses in the Old and New Testament mean, they cannot possibly mean this. It is unthinkable, obscene." Jay Michaelson (God vs Gay: The Religious Case for Equality)

go in PEACE. live PEACE. be PEACE

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