"No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey you are welcome here."
Anyone who belongs to a UCC church has probably heard those words. I have lost track of how many times I have said them, how many times I have written them. It was those words that drew me to the UCC two and half years ago. But what do these words mean? Why do so many UCC churches use these words.
This week I realized something about those words; they don't just apply to adults. And I have no idea why it took me two and half years in the UCC to realize this. Today in church one of the youth was dressed in what I am going to guess was his halloween costume from last year. Not only was he dressed as Spiderman, he had a magic wand. He sat behind me during the service with a few of the other kids, who are all very good at making joyful noises to the Lord. The best part is that this kid with the spiderman costume and magic wand is part of the youth bell choir. So when it was time for them to lead music for one of the songs today he went running up to the front of the church in his spiderman costume, holding his wand up in the air.
No one said anything. No one tried to tell him that Spiderman wasn't acceptable for church. No one told him that magic did not belong in church. He was free to be himself. "No matter who you are or where you are..."
Being accepted for who you are can help you become who God wants you to be. I started going to the UCC church that I go to as a full blown Atheist. I was just interested in the bible study from an intellectual viewpoint. No one ever tried to change my mind or "convert" me. In October I will be preaching a sermon. Perhaps it is not just time, but love and acceptance that heals all wounds.