Wednesday, November 6, 2013

It's Still The Same Song

So I'm sitting in chapel writing this on my phone. I am full of anger. To say that I am livid is an understatement.

Apparently someone thought that it would be a good idea to smother today's chapel service in atonement.
Apparently the idea was that in making the song "Nothing But The Blood of Jesus" into "Nothing but the Live of Jesus" would somehow make the song less creepy and disturbing. But it doesn't. I think it makes it worse. Because now a sing that was all about atonment and is covered in atonement language niw has the word love in it. Because ya know love and atonement go together so well.

If atonement is what God is all about I don't want anything to do with God. If atonement is about how much Gid loves the workd I don't want anything to do with God.

Jesus was executed by the Roman Empire and it had nothing to do with my sin. Jesus was executed by the Roman Empire and no one needs to be washed in the blood. NO ONE NEEDS TO BE WASHED IN THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB and that is the best news ever.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Open Tables...

When I signed up for Blog Action Day on Monday morning I had no idea what I was going to write about. I also had no idea when I was going to find the time to write a blog post this week. This week marks the halfway point of my first semester at seminary. If someone had asked me on Monday if I was going to write about the Church for Blog Action Day I would have responded, “no.” I wanted to take a break from talking about God, church, and well anything that would require picking up a Bible.

Things changed late last night. I found myself angry. Not the kind of angry I find myself feeling when someone says something stupid in class. Not the kind of angry I find myself feeling when people are late for class. Not the kind of angry that I find myself feeling when there aren’t pop-tarts in the vending machine. I found myself feeling the kind of anger that comes out of deep hurt.
I am a recovering fundamentalist. I carry a ton of baggage with me to the pew each week. I am damaged and scared from 20 years of being told that God’s love was conditional. While it sucks to admit it, it’s the truth.

The anger that I was feeling was on the surface caused by an email about communion. However, under the surface it was so much more than that. My anger came from 20 years of not having an open table of communion. My anger came from being promised an open table of communion, to later find out that it really isn’t all that open.

Blog action day is about social justice. So is God. So is Jesus. So is communion.

Communion. I love communion. I did not always love communion. I hated communion in the church that I grew up in. Communion made me feel guilty. We were taught that if we had not asked God to forgive all of our sins or if we had doubted God’s power and did not ask for forgiveness we should not take communion. Talk about seriously flawed theology. There were weeks when I would not take communion because I hadn’t asked God to forgive me or because in the time leading up to communion I had silently questioned why any of it mattered. These weeks were problematic. Everyone watched to see who took communion and who didn’t. It sucked to be the person who didn’t take communion. It was inevitable that someone would ask you why you didn’t take communion; as if you weren’t feeling guilty enough. Each communion Sunday I found myself silently debating on if I was going to take communion. I got to the point where I was taking it to simply prove to myself that even if no one else knew it not everyone participating in their closed communion table was straight; and shockingly lightening was not come down from the heavens to strike me.

It wasn’t until college and the year and half I spent in the UMC that I feel in love with communion. I still wasn’t sure how I felt about the church thing. I was asked to help serve communion one week. I was shocked. Not only had this community of faith welcomed me unconditionally, but now they wanted me to help serve communion. I said, “yes.” I didn’t really know what I was doing. I’m pretty sure I forgot to say anything to a few people. I served communion randomly for the next year.

Yet, it wasn’t until I presided over the table that I fell in love with communion. And while I’m at, I need to say how much I hate the term “preside over the table.” I think that we should just say, “serve communion” and if we really want to step up to the plate and be the fucking Church say, “practice radical hospitality.”

Of course saying, “practice radical hospitality” only works if the table is truly open for all people.

Because that my friends is what the table is all about. Radical hospitality. Truly open tables say, “fuck you” to everyone who says the table is only for certain people.  Truly open tables say, “fuck you” to tables that claim to be open but only allow certain people to “preside over the table.” Truly open tables say, “fuck you” to communion theologies that make people feel guilty; there is a reason the gospels are called the “Good News.”

So I often I hear someone say that their church practices an open table of communion. I find myself wanting to respond, "Are you sure about that?"

An open table of communion means:
1. anyone can practice radical hospitality
2. anyone can be served
3. no one leaves feeling guilty

This isn't rocket science. Although there are days where I swear explaining rocket science would be easier than explaining what it means to have a truly open table of communion.

Communion keeps coming up in all of my classes- welcome to seminary. I keep finding myself defending what I believe about communion. I keep finding myself silently and sometimes not so silently screaming, "Would your church serve Jesus communion? or even better "Would your church allow Jesus to serve communion?" 

How many churches do you know of that would allow a homeless Jewish man to serve communion? See what I mean about "radical hospitality" and truly open tables of communion? Even more thought provoking would your church allow a homeless Jewish man to serve communion? How many of you can honestly answer yes to that question. I know that I can answer yes to that question. But can you? 
How many of you would take communion if the person practicing radical hospitality was a homeless Jewish man? I know I would. Truly open tables of communion would extravagantly welcome a homeless Jewish man to the table. 

Because here is the best thing about truly open tables of communion, and really all communion tables: no matter who is serving and participating, God is present.  GOD IS PRESENT. God is with the people. God is with us in our brokenness. God is with us in all the baggage we carry to the pew each week. God is with us in the doubts that we take to the table. God is in each person at the table. GOD IS PRESENT. And that my friends is the best fucking news ever.

Friday, October 11, 2013

NCOD 4 Years Later

Holy cow! The realization that I have been out of the closet for four years hasn't quit sunk in yet. Four years ago I was a freshmen at Cedar Crest College. I started my first semester in the closet; a terrified 18 year old. I use NCOD that year to come out to my family- bad idea. Yet, looking back I would have done it all over again, maybe with less yelling, but all over again.
The past four years have been a journey, a challenging, frustrating, hopeful, amazing journey. When I came out four years ago I came out as bisexual. I used this past Lent as a period of prayer and discernment. On Easter Sunday, I relabeled myself as pansexual.
It wasn't that I lied when I came out four years ago; four years ago I didn't even know that pansexuality was something I could label myself.
There was something different about coming out this time; I wasn't afraid. I stood my ground when I was challenged and did not retreat to the closet.
One of the first things I did when I moved into my new apartment at seminary was put the rainbow comma on my door followed by the safe space sign. I didn't hide who I was and I never will. No more living in fear.

Today is important for so many people around the world. Today is the day that many will make the decision to come out and many more will make the decision to stay in the closet.

Say it with me:
We are the people of God. We are holy, sacred, and created in the image of the divine. We matter. We are not abominations. We have a purpose. We have meaning. We are the children of God. We, like all of creation are good.

Do you believe that? Because it's true!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Not the Coward's Way Out

"These degenerate molesters are cowards," Timothy J. McGinty said. "... This man couldn't take, for even a month, a small portion of what he had dished out for more than a decade."

Today I was on Tumblr and happened to scroll past a link to the above article from CNN. I was shocked. I had followed the case closely. Today I wan't to talk about the crimes that Castro was convicted for. Instead I want to talk about the deeply seated belief in our society that those who commit suicide are cowards.  Today I want to talk about the negative views of mental health that exist in our society. 

While this article is sparked by the comments about Castro's death, I recalled another similar event in which the term "coward" was used to describe someone who had committed suicide as a coward. A few days after the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting I was at church when I heard someone describe Adam Lanza as a coward. They then went on to say that anyone who commits suicide is a coward. I call bullshit on this notion for so many reasons all of which are deeply personal. 

When I was 16 I came very close to committing suicide. You can read more of my story here

What many people do not know, is that last May, my big sister committed suicide. While I do not have memories of my sister (we did not grow up together) no part of me believes that she was a coward. 

Mental health is not a joke. For many people is a part of their daily life. Yet, for many in our society it is a joke. 

Below is the think for a list of crisis centers around the world:

You are not alone. You are loved. You are a child of God. You are "fearfully and wonderfully made."

Monday, August 12, 2013

Some Things You Should Know

1. I have a B.A in Global Studies from Cedar Crest College
2. I studied Religious Studies not Theology at Cedar Crest College
3. Gender- Cis
4.Sexuality - Pan
5. I live on a steady diet of candy, coffee, and ice cream
6. I'm starting my first semester of seminary in a few weeks
7. Yes, some of my music has parental warnings
8. I'm currently taking  Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation at UC Berkeley 
9. I am looking at PhD programs in the UK for my research on the cultural memory of magic in pop culture
10. I want a pet dragon. 
11. Hogwarts is my home. 
12. I know that hobbit holes are home. 
13. I'm a brown coat. You can't take the sky from me. I am a leaf on the wind watch how I soar. 
14. Cumbercookie of the Cumberbatch. 
15. Sam and Dean taught me everything I know about demons, vampires etc. 
16. I am loyal to Delenn.
17. The capital can kiss my mocking jay ass. 
18. Rumbelle because "Love is hope. It fuels our dreams."
19. I want season 3 of Sherlock yesterday. 
20. Did someone say Downton Abbey?
21. Feminist. 
22. UCC with some Tibetan Buddhism, Swaminarayan, Islamic tendencies
23. Recovering Fundamentalist
24. I believe in pie making, communion serving monkeys. 
25. I believe in the last of the dragon lords. 
26. 9 is my Doctor. 
27. When my iTunes is on shuffle you can go from Thomas Tallis to Kesha. 

You should know this because I am sick and tired of everyone putting me in a box. I don’t want to be in the box. The box sucks. I am so much more than the box. Also, if you try to put in the box or tell me that I need to be in the box, I will start quoting monologues from the Vagina Monologues at you

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thoughts on the "Word"

My summer of discernment has also lead me to this...

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Some Thoughts On My Future Ministry

This morning I managed to get out of bed the first time my alarm went off!! Yay 8AM! The result of this miracle was that I had two extra hours this morning. So while I drank coffee and ate apple jacks I pondered my future ministry. I wanted to spend my summer discerning and that I am happy to say that that is what I have done.
I posted a list of ten things about my future ministry to tumblr this morning they were:
1. I don't do mornings. So I'm thinking Sunday afternoon. Like have a huge late lunch (2ish) at church then worship.
2.And why does it have to be Sunday morning?
3. "No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey you are welcome here."
4.Open Communion Table because yes.
5. Eco-friendly- i.e we will not print enough bulletins for the entire east coast
6. Food pantry and soup kitchen because yes.
7.  Day and night shelters for the homeless 24/7 and 365
8. After school programs for the youth of the community.
9. ESL classes
10. GED classes

I added more to the list while in church today. The Gospel reading this morning was Luke 12:13-21 the parable about building barns and storing treasures. The sermon was packed with holy gracefilled social justice. This past Tuesday the church sponsored a meal for the homeless at a local Roman Catholic Church (yay!) and the pastor was talking about Kingdom and said, "They [the outcasts] are just like us. They are us...We are all trying to find home."

After an amazing worship experience this morning I am adding the following to the list:
11. Free condoms because yes.
12. Free feminine products because yes.
13. A health clinic because yes.
14. Open and Affirming
15. Just Peace
16. Resources and support for battered men, women, and children.
17. Ecumenical because why not.
18. Inter-faith dialogue.
19. Savings account. What savings account?
20. A safe space.
21. Holy Gracefilled Social Justice Gospel
22. A light in the darkness.
23. A piece of heaven in hell.
24. A place where the kingdom is created, sustained, and celebrated.

I'm sure this will grow again for the simple fact that there is always work do be done for the Kingdom and well I am a dreamer.

Go in peace. Live peace. Be peace.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Why I Say Yes To Worship That Feels Like Family

This week has been theologically challenging. After reading a slew of articles and blog posts I found myself wrestling with some big questions. I had managed to find some answers and the wounds to my soul are currently healing. 
            Then this morning I read “Why Worship Shouldn’t Feel Like Family[i].” And surprise, surprise I found myself wrestling again. The article made my skin crawl.
            For me the image of church as a family is a huge part of my faith. As a product of a flawed and broken foster system I have always struggled with what it means to be family. Family was not a good word for me growing up. Family was my “f word.” It was a church that helped me redefine family, by doing some of the very things the article said not to do.  
            I will be honest that I don’t really have any thoughts on the first point that the article makes. I don’t really care how people pray as long as their prayers aren’t damaging to another person.
            Now, for the passing of the peace. I love the passing of the peace. I love it. Growing up I hated it. Now, I love it. It is my favorite part of worship. My first week at the church that helped me to redefine family, we passed the peace. And I was a nervous wreck. I didn’t really know anyone and I had had some bad experiences with the passing of the peace. I was waiting for someone to come up to me and judge me. But that never happened. The passing of the peace came to mean something to me. The passing of the peace, for me is not about excluding the outsider from the family. For me the passing of the peace is about welcoming someone into the family of God. It is about welcoming the outcast. It is about meeting a person in their brokenness. Never underestimate the power of welcoming someone to church.
            Now, for announcements. Seriously, you couldn’t find something else to criticize? Announcements let people know what your community is doing. I love when I go to a church and they have a long list of announcements that relate to work they are doing in the world. Announcements show visitors that you care about the world outside of the walls of the sanctuary.
            Number four pissed me off. Who cares what the soloist sounds like? So what if the person who reads the scripture is soft spoken? I’m pretty sure God doesn’t give a damn. God cares about people being welcome. God wants everyone to feel at home. I sing in church and I’m not very good at it. But here’s the crazy thing it all sounds wonderful to God. If our actions in worship come out of our love for our divine creator then who is to say that they are not good enough? To say that someone cannot sing or read scripture in church is anti-kingdom.
            And as far as I am concerned with number five use context clues. They are fabulous! And if someone has a question about where something is located just answer the question. I had no idea what a narthex was the first time I encountered the word, but I figured it out by asking. I also found number five to be belittling. People learn more about the god a religion worships by watching the people. I don’t understand the words to the hymns when I am at a Hindu temple, but I do know that the people there are welcoming. I know that they are active in the community outside of the walls of the temple. I know that they rock at hospitality.
            So, I guess what I am trying to say is church should feel like a family; a welcoming, nurturing family. A family that is over joyed when someone new shows up on their doorstep. A family that vacations to the worst parts of the city with blankets, food, hope, grace, and love. A family that is not afraid to welcome the homeless person to their table. A family that gets it.  A family that helps a foster child redefine family. A family where the only rule is “build kingdom”.

[i]Flowers, John and Karen Vannoy. “Why Worship Shouldn’t Feel Like Family.” Ministry Matters, 29 July 2013.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday, July 14, 2013

My Soul Cries

 But you, O Lord, reign forever;
    your throne endures to all generations.
 Why have you forgotten us completely?
    Why have you forsaken us these many days?
 Restore us to yourself, O Lord, that we may be restored;
    renew our days as of old—
unless you have utterly rejected us,
    and are angry with us beyond measure.

[Lamentations 5:19-22 NRSV]

My soul cries
            Where is light?
My soul begins to believe the lies.
            God is not here- the fortress has lost its might.

My eyes wander the pages
            the promises of the Lord.
My eyes search for the peace
            that is rumored to be found in the Word.

My spirit fights
            to believe what is true
My spirit does not delight.
            Where is the grace anew?

My heart cries out
            for the love of the world.
My heart shouts

            God has abandoned the world.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being In him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. [John 1:1-5 NRSV]

My soul cries
            for it has found the light!
My soul stops believing the lies.
            God is here-the fortress is might!

My eyes wander the pages
            the promise of the Lord.
My eyes find in the pages
            the peace that is found in the Word.

My spirit no longer fights
            to believe what is true.
My sprit delights.
            There is grace anew!

My heart cries out
            for the love of the world
My heart shouts
            God has not abandoned the world!

You are a hiding place for me;
    you preserve me from trouble;
    you surround me with glad cries of deliverance. [Psalm 32:7 NRSV]

God is our refuge and strength,
    a very present  help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change,
    though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea;
though its waters roar and foam,
    though the mountains tremble with its tumult. [Psalm 46:1-3 NRSV]

O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
    for his steadfast love endures forever.
O give thanks to the God of gods,
    for his steadfast love endures forever.
O give thanks to the Lord of lords,
    for his steadfast love endures forever; [Psalm 136:13 NRSV]