Monday, August 12, 2013

Some Things You Should Know

1. I have a B.A in Global Studies from Cedar Crest College
2. I studied Religious Studies not Theology at Cedar Crest College
3. Gender- Cis
4.Sexuality - Pan
5. I live on a steady diet of candy, coffee, and ice cream
6. I'm starting my first semester of seminary in a few weeks
7. Yes, some of my music has parental warnings
8. I'm currently taking  Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation at UC Berkeley 
9. I am looking at PhD programs in the UK for my research on the cultural memory of magic in pop culture
10. I want a pet dragon. 
11. Hogwarts is my home. 
12. I know that hobbit holes are home. 
13. I'm a brown coat. You can't take the sky from me. I am a leaf on the wind watch how I soar. 
14. Cumbercookie of the Cumberbatch. 
15. Sam and Dean taught me everything I know about demons, vampires etc. 
16. I am loyal to Delenn.
17. The capital can kiss my mocking jay ass. 
18. Rumbelle because "Love is hope. It fuels our dreams."
19. I want season 3 of Sherlock yesterday. 
20. Did someone say Downton Abbey?
21. Feminist. 
22. UCC with some Tibetan Buddhism, Swaminarayan, Islamic tendencies
23. Recovering Fundamentalist
24. I believe in pie making, communion serving monkeys. 
25. I believe in the last of the dragon lords. 
26. 9 is my Doctor. 
27. When my iTunes is on shuffle you can go from Thomas Tallis to Kesha. 

You should know this because I am sick and tired of everyone putting me in a box. I don’t want to be in the box. The box sucks. I am so much more than the box. Also, if you try to put in the box or tell me that I need to be in the box, I will start quoting monologues from the Vagina Monologues at you

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