Sunday, August 4, 2013

Some Thoughts On My Future Ministry

This morning I managed to get out of bed the first time my alarm went off!! Yay 8AM! The result of this miracle was that I had two extra hours this morning. So while I drank coffee and ate apple jacks I pondered my future ministry. I wanted to spend my summer discerning and that I am happy to say that that is what I have done.
I posted a list of ten things about my future ministry to tumblr this morning they were:
1. I don't do mornings. So I'm thinking Sunday afternoon. Like have a huge late lunch (2ish) at church then worship.
2.And why does it have to be Sunday morning?
3. "No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey you are welcome here."
4.Open Communion Table because yes.
5. Eco-friendly- i.e we will not print enough bulletins for the entire east coast
6. Food pantry and soup kitchen because yes.
7.  Day and night shelters for the homeless 24/7 and 365
8. After school programs for the youth of the community.
9. ESL classes
10. GED classes

I added more to the list while in church today. The Gospel reading this morning was Luke 12:13-21 the parable about building barns and storing treasures. The sermon was packed with holy gracefilled social justice. This past Tuesday the church sponsored a meal for the homeless at a local Roman Catholic Church (yay!) and the pastor was talking about Kingdom and said, "They [the outcasts] are just like us. They are us...We are all trying to find home."

After an amazing worship experience this morning I am adding the following to the list:
11. Free condoms because yes.
12. Free feminine products because yes.
13. A health clinic because yes.
14. Open and Affirming
15. Just Peace
16. Resources and support for battered men, women, and children.
17. Ecumenical because why not.
18. Inter-faith dialogue.
19. Savings account. What savings account?
20. A safe space.
21. Holy Gracefilled Social Justice Gospel
22. A light in the darkness.
23. A piece of heaven in hell.
24. A place where the kingdom is created, sustained, and celebrated.

I'm sure this will grow again for the simple fact that there is always work do be done for the Kingdom and well I am a dreamer.

Go in peace. Live peace. Be peace.

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