Sunday, January 16, 2011

Change the Batteries

So today at church a light clicked on in my brain. While the pastor was talking about the end of the world and how the United States is failing because of Liberals I thought back to the day I walked out of church for the first time in my life. It happened last summer. I had been going to church with my best friend for a few weeks and on this particular Sunday the pastor gave a message very similar to the one that I heard today. See there were things in their sermons that I found myself agreeing with, the problem is that their main idea well it isn't really that great. Today the sermon was about love and choosing Jesus; which is a great topic for a sermon when it is really about love and choosing Jesus. Today's sermon and the one over the summer were nothing but racism and a complete lack of love not only for mankind but for God as well. I don't think  I will ever understand how someone can claim to be a Christian and yet spread hate throughout the world. See we are supposed to let our light shine but what happens when we don't realize that the batteries for our flashlight are dead and we go right on using it. To many Christians are using their flashlights with dead batteries to "make the world a better place."  The parts of their sermon I agreed with were; 1. What happened to the ancient Israelite empire is happening in the United States 2. We need to choose Jesus above the things of this world. Let me explain: The ancient Israelite empire failed because the people forgot that God had choose them to be a kingdom of priests, they had slaves, and social justice was non-existent. Today in the United States the church forgets that it is to show the world what God looks like, slavery still exists, and many people are being denied their rights. Making the choice to follow Jesus means living in love with peace, justice, mercy, and grace not hatred, greed, and inequality. So in the following year let us work on making the world a better place by choosing Jesus.


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